Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 18th - Summer Update

The Winds of Change Keep Blowing
This summer is flying by, isn't it?  It just seems like the beginning of July and now it's getting towards the end of August.  Yeesh.  Well, I tried to keep my promise, but not having to blog has been too nice and I'm 18 days late with an update for all of you. 

I am officially a full time instructor now at my culinary school (I was a part-timer before).  Congratulations to me (PAT ON THE BACK).   I just found out today in fact.  Also, got rid of the mall job and now work at a catering place in the city.  ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!  The people are so nice and the work is fun!   Finally,  I've been keeping busy with projects for the school and teaching.     

I know you're here to see what I've been cooking up in the meantime, so here's the two biggies I have for you.

The above sugar cookie is for the Culinary Honor Society I am the faculty advisor for.  I made about 50 of these guys for the induction cerememony (it was at the end of June).   

Below are the cakes I just finished last week for a buddy of mine for his baby shower.  (Excuse the unpolished look of the photos.  I did transfer them to a cake board and cleaned them up a little, but I thought I should get photos of them at that point in the process because I would forget in the end...and I did.) 

He wanted childrens books, so I busted out the fondant.  One was vanilla with vanilla butter cream (Giving Tree), one was chocolate with chocolate fudge frosting (Curious George), and the last one was carrot cake with cream cheese frosting (Good Night Moon).   I was a little disappointed with the Curious George.  The perfectionist chef in me thought I could do better.   I do have to give props to Brian for helping cutting out fondant shapes.   He put in a lot of time at night when I was at the catering place.

So, that's my update.  I'm doing really well, staying busy, and still loving my life.   I hope to blog again soon.  My goal is once again at the end of August.  Stay tooned...


mafeaprns said...

MARK! The cakes and cookie look GREAT! Nice work. Congratulations on the full time work and catering job. I'm glad you're happy.
The video cracked me up.
Say hi to Brian, too! I saw your car at Ron & Beth's on their anniversary. I was on my way to play a show for Oregon--saw the pics, though. Looks like you all had fun!

joybjoyful said...

What a great surprise to see a new post on your blog! YEA! And the cakes look FABULOUS!!! Nice re-creation of the book covers. But my favorite part of the post was the Giving Tree video - oh my gosh! Where do you find that stuff?? Classic! Congrats on the full time teaching gig, Professor Marky-Mark!

char said...

ooh I love the cakes..
sad to see you had to give up the challenge, but then again, it's onwards and upwards to bigger things, and that's always good - glad you're enjoying life :)